Tuesday, November 2, 2010


It's been a while since I've done a proper update so here we go!!

I've bought a guitar, a Jasmine by Takamine. It's a wonderful noise maker. I've been playing none stop for a week and a half. However I've not had the time to write anything, well, anything proper. I have learned a couple new songs though, so that's good!

I now have 6.2 day's of music in my iTunes library. I still have a list of a tone of other music to download. Legally and legitimately of course...

I just got back from the dead people clothes boutique (salvation army thrift store) and I picked up 2 nice shirts for..... wait for it...10 dollars! Oh yeah! Afterwards I stopped at the tiger store (no tigers for sale... I was bummed). I bought a pair of boots, a bennie, and 3 kinds of tea for 30 dollars. Awesome deals! The nice lady at the counter told me to drop my back pack off at the front next time or I would be searched... To which the nice man behind me said "He looks like a thief." I love this city, really!

Tonight I plan to drink tea and catch up on some class that I missed Monday. Samhain was enjoyed with wine.... so I had to sleep in on Monday. But it's all good.

That's it. Hope you are enjoying the questions.

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