Monday, November 22, 2010

Question 27

27. List 5 things you want to do in your life.

Maybe edit that question... "27. List 5 things you want to do in your life, as of now."
That's better.(I'm smart enough to know that people want different things as life goes on and plans are never what they want to be. That makes life fun!)

1) Travel. I want to actually go the whole way around the world once, live in Europe for a few years and then hit up New Zealand for a long while. I don't know what the details are for this trip but it most likely will happen at some point.

2)Own a homestead. I won't say farm because I couldn't run a farm, but a half asses homestead with some cows, goats, chickens and a bunch of dogs would be cool! Nice wooden house all open inside with some sky lights and a giant loft bed, wood stove and secret office/study/den.

3)Get a degree. Working on it! Going swell!

4)Live in the woods in a log cabin for a while. A year at the most but if I'm alone then probably only a few months. No, I would not be surviving off the land nor would I seclude my self from others. I just want the option to be in total solitude, not the actuality.

5)Number five isn't coming easy..... hmm... I think that's all I really want. I guess there are other things, like getting married or such, but that's more like "It would be cool if it happened but I'm not going to kill myself tyring fro it." I guess all I really want is to be happy.

Just some simple little things that don't effect anyone but me.


  1. I find it very eerie that you too have compiled a bucket list. I have as well, just within the last few days.
    The gene pool is just too great....

  2. This is but a mere taste of my bucket list. It was just happend to be one of the questions. The real bucket list was made a long long time ago. But interesting just the same.
