Thursday, November 4, 2010

Question 8

8. If you could have anyone next to you right now, who would it be and why?

If I could have any person right next to me now it would be..... my self. Yeah that's right. It's 10:21 at night and I've spent the last 3 days around people, who have been fucking up my routine, and I want to be alone!!

I spend most of my time alone, this way I get to think more and reflect/day dream events. I like people (very few) but I don't feel the need to be out and about all the fucking time! (this is all read in a happy mannerism not angry :))

I know it may seem weird that I didn't choose something else. Like a dead loved one, or some famous person or some person of my own creation. But I don't want the dead to come back, and I don't like famous people, just the characters they play or music they make. As for persons of my own creations, well, if it's just me here then aren't they here in my head as well? (that's creepy... crazy fucker!)

I'm not a loner, I just like being alone as much as being with people.
PS I could have said I wanted my dog here, but that's just beating a dead horse. Lol. Night!

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