Monday, November 1, 2010

Question 6

6. Write a letter to the person you’re closest to.

Dear Jack

It's been a whole 2 months since I've hugged you. My mornings aren't the same with out a fuzz ball to wake me up; or the cold nose in my ear... I miss you enough to cry sometimes, but, since I'm not a woman, I don't. I can only imagine what you must feel. You don't even know if I'm coming back, or why I left in the first place. If there was some way I could tell you I'm sure you'd be cool about it.
Most people love their pets, and see them as family. I'd say your family but I can't say I'd put a tag to it. Your not my son, or my brother, not a father or uncle. Your more like a part of me. One in the same.
We've been on countless adventures in both the actual and other worlds. Never once have you let me down, or hurt me. Well, you've bitten a lot but I bite you too.... lol
I can't put this bond to words, it's unexplainable but you and I know what it's like and that's all that matters

Love you Boo boo.


  1. Awww! You can forward a copy of this letter to my dog, as I feel the same. Also, I'll have you know that men cry too :P I miss my puppy =(

  2. Males cry, but not "men". But yeah, forwarded.

  3. Somehow I knew you'd comment on the use of "men".
