Thursday, November 11, 2010

Question 15

15. A prank you’ve pulled on someone and a prank someone’s pulled on you. What were your feelings and thoughts through out each. Have your feelings and thoughts changed?

I can't say that I've pulled a prank one someone. A good prank that is. I'm not big on pranks actually.

There was one time where I was pranked pretty good. It was April Fools and I was at STFX. One of the guys on my floor got up at 4 in the AM and put shaving cream on every ones door nobs and put the big trash bins in front of my door. When I woke up and opened my door the trash bins fell over and spilled beer cans everywhere. It was funny because the janitor was just walking around the corner... Lol. It was all cleaned up no problem, she was a good janitor and seemed to like us all.

It was a good laugh and I didn't mind it at all. I've got a good sense of humour. I still don't feel the need to pull pranks of people, but I would if I thought of a real good one. As far as them being pulled on me, well, as long as they're decent and not just mean/stupid, then cool!


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