Saturday, November 27, 2010

Question 30

30. Who are you? When are you you? When are you not you?

Who am I? I can't say, it's all personal opinion.

When am I myself? I'm mostly my self in a casual setting around good friends.

When am I not my self? There's too many scenarios to list, but I'm not me way too much. This has changed some over the last little bit though. I'm growing up (EW!) and getting things together.

Question 28

29. A place where you feel most comfortable. A person you feel most comfortable with.

I feel comfortable in many places, but the place I feel most comfortable would be my room at my parents house. Yeah yeah, I know that seems generic and all but it's the truth. All my stuff is in there, it's got my own personal flare (cool sheets hanging from the ceiling), and people rarely come in there. I can be all alone with my music and some food and do what ever the fuck I want, it's awesome.

Now, as for the person I feel most comfortable with, that's a different story. I like a lot of people, and most of the time I'm a friendly guy. But I've never had a person that I've totally trusted before, I don't know why I'm this way, but it's not really a bad thing. Some secrets (none of them are bad just personal, so no worries folks) are just meant to be kept to your self.

My dog knows everything but he's not a person so....


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Question 28

28. Your most prized possession and why.

Prized possession hey?! I know!!!

A very very long time age when I was just a wee laddy, my family and I went on our summer trip to the valley to see relative that live there. On the way we stopped at the Ross Thompson farm. It's a little museum/interactive farm place, fun for kids type deal. After the little tour we went to the gift shop and I got a little, simple, blue spin top. That thing has been in our house for ever, and even today I can sit and spin it for a damn long time. In fact I have more fun, the dog hates it but he won't bite it, just tries to paw it.

So now your like "What the fuck Roscoe?! You're really lazy on these blog posts! Smarten up! give us some deep secrets and such!!" Well, no and no. Remember that old saying "Possessions are fleeting." I believe in that to some extent. I'll explain how I came to this answer. My prized possession can't be a person or animal, you don't own those. It can't be something that a lot of folks would choose, that would seem like an easy answer. So like a computer is just shit, I like my compys but I don't see them as a prize. I didn't choose my guitars because, for one, I have more than one, and I see them as just a part of the grander part of "music" in my life. It had to be something special but that shows who I am and how I think...

The top is always there (there was a long while when it was lost but I came back and was all the better for it!), it calms me down, makes me happy and can eat time away like a fat kid eats a cup cake. It's simple but has a complexity about it(it spins!!). It's the best top I've ever seen! I can get it to spin for a good 4-6 mins sometimes. It's just fun. If it was to disappear again I think I'd be OK, I know if it would come back later, there's magic there for sure!

If my family is reading this and the top has some how met it's end via a chew from the dog of maybe got stepped on then let me know ASAP! If not, then find the top and hide it away from harm!

Roscoe (I'll get a picture of the top over break and make a page about it.)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Question 27

27. List 5 things you want to do in your life.

Maybe edit that question... "27. List 5 things you want to do in your life, as of now."
That's better.(I'm smart enough to know that people want different things as life goes on and plans are never what they want to be. That makes life fun!)

1) Travel. I want to actually go the whole way around the world once, live in Europe for a few years and then hit up New Zealand for a long while. I don't know what the details are for this trip but it most likely will happen at some point.

2)Own a homestead. I won't say farm because I couldn't run a farm, but a half asses homestead with some cows, goats, chickens and a bunch of dogs would be cool! Nice wooden house all open inside with some sky lights and a giant loft bed, wood stove and secret office/study/den.

3)Get a degree. Working on it! Going swell!

4)Live in the woods in a log cabin for a while. A year at the most but if I'm alone then probably only a few months. No, I would not be surviving off the land nor would I seclude my self from others. I just want the option to be in total solitude, not the actuality.

5)Number five isn't coming easy..... hmm... I think that's all I really want. I guess there are other things, like getting married or such, but that's more like "It would be cool if it happened but I'm not going to kill myself tyring fro it." I guess all I really want is to be happy.

Just some simple little things that don't effect anyone but me.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Question 26

26. A time when you hurt someone’s feelings but don’t regret it.

I hurt people all the time and feel no regret what so ever. In fact, most people's feelings I hurt i feel good about because they usually deserve it.

There was a time when I could tango with the best of them, that is the ass hole people. But now, in my old age I've come into better values of life. That part of me is sleeping now a days but I can wake it up if I need it. It's easier to avoid dumb asses rather then take the time to insult them and such.

Really, I don't think there has been a time where I've regretted hurting someones feelings... scary.

Watched Ronin last night, it's on my favorites list now, check it out. Also if anyone knows where i can watch Into The Wild for free send me a link! Thx

Question 25

25. Are you a rebel or do you like going with the flow? Why?

I do my own thing. So sometimes I am a rebel but sometimes I'm not? Really if your a rebel your still going with the flow, just in the rebel group. Right??

I skipped 24, it's going on the long list, might get it done tomorrow. I'm not sure where I'm at on the list but it will all be done by November 30.

I've got music for two new songs, but I'm trying to think of something good to write them about, but nothing to restricting. Nothing else has been happening that's worth talking about really. There's going to be an update to the blog sometime soon, and I'm going to get some challenges going so I can get some more readers and have google pay me... :D


Question 23

23. What is your passion? How did it become so?

What is my passion?! Let me think.... Ok, you how sometimes you can just be sitting and your just all chill like, in the moment. Just thinking "Yeah, this is great". That's my passion, I live for those small little moments in life.

Just another simple answer, I'm not being lazy it's just the way I am.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Question 22

22. Something your proud of.

To be proud of something is vain. I don't feel proud of thing, just happy with somethings I've done.

I don't have anymore to say on that subject. (note that i don't begrudge other people being proud of them selves. it's just not for me.)


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Delay message. Question 21

So I've got 2 papers and a test this next 2 weeks that I'm working on/studying for. The blog isn't on my to do list at the moment. But if I do have time I will come round and write up some things.

21. Something you’re ashamed of.

I skipped 20 because it's really good and will take some time to think about.

I'm not ashamed of anything that I can think of. I'm bummed about some of the choices I've made in the past but it seems I've learned from my mistakes and have come out on top. I don't do things that would make me ashamed really. If I do think of something I'll come back and edit this.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Question 19

19. Have you ever ran away? If not, would you?

I've never ran away ,no, but there was sometimes when, as a young child, I recall threatening to run away.

I would run away in a heart beat if conditions were right, but alas I have too good of a life to do so.... :(
I'm a big fan of the whole live in the log cabin life style. I also realize that it's no easy feat at all! But some day I'm doing it, I promised my self.

If you like this stuff then I have some recommendations:

Into the Wild. both book and movie, read the book first!

Alone in the Wilderness. I've only seen the film, but it's legit documentary not Hollywood BS, there is a book as well.

Heimo's Artic Refuge. One of the last people living this life style:

If you know of any other videos or books like these put them in the comments. I might get a page up with all of them and some other goodies.

Tally Ho!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Question 18

18. If you were going to have 10 kids, 5 girls, 5 boys, what would their names be? (first or full names)

Okay... (no particular order)

Girls: Carmen, Sasha, Sarah, Ghwen, Mika

Boys: Peter, John, William, Cale, Joram

Dogs: Hopper, Shael, Kastor, Pagan, Wulf.

Nice proper family.

Question 17

17. Your favorite childhood memory?

Favorite childhood memory eh? I've always been a sucker for the simple things in life. That being said, my favorite childhood memory would have to be me waking up on morning and looking out the window to see a fresh blanket of snow. School was cancelled so mom made pancakes and me and my brother played with Lego all day. It was awesome, and just fills me with that joyful contempt when I think of it.

Question 16

16. What is your biggest fear right now?



Thursday, November 11, 2010

Question 15

15. A prank you’ve pulled on someone and a prank someone’s pulled on you. What were your feelings and thoughts through out each. Have your feelings and thoughts changed?

I can't say that I've pulled a prank one someone. A good prank that is. I'm not big on pranks actually.

There was one time where I was pranked pretty good. It was April Fools and I was at STFX. One of the guys on my floor got up at 4 in the AM and put shaving cream on every ones door nobs and put the big trash bins in front of my door. When I woke up and opened my door the trash bins fell over and spilled beer cans everywhere. It was funny because the janitor was just walking around the corner... Lol. It was all cleaned up no problem, she was a good janitor and seemed to like us all.

It was a good laugh and I didn't mind it at all. I've got a good sense of humour. I still don't feel the need to pull pranks of people, but I would if I thought of a real good one. As far as them being pulled on me, well, as long as they're decent and not just mean/stupid, then cool!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Question 14

14. Your life story in three words.


That was a dumb question....

Monday, November 8, 2010

Question 13

13. If you ever ended up in jail, what crime would you have most likely committed?

Oh boy!

It would be more than one crime that's for sure! None of that nansy shit either! All or nothing.

I would go to jail for : Genocide, murder, assault, war crimes against humanity. The evil in this world needs to be eradicated.

I wouldn't take over the world, just a small part of it, like just fix up Nova Scotia and start a new country, kill off all the unwanted/unusable people and get things rolling. Natural order would be restored, an animalistic government would be dictated and everyone would have a place and skill. I my self would work like all the rest, no rich no poor, just people living and surviving.

No doubt there would be constant war with other places but for the most part we would win. All the citizens would be trained in combat and fight for the homeland.

But with such power of the other countries coming down on me I would obtained and thrown in jail for life. Here I would write books and think a lot about the past.

None of this is plausible or really how I think, just fun.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Question 12

12. Choose a song that sums up the year you've been having so far.

This is a horrible question. There is no one song that can sum up a year, month, week, day or even second of some one's life! I'm quite livid that this is in the challenge. However! I'll play along for the most part, but I'm choosing more than one song. (think of it as a movie montage of my year. These would be the songs that play.)

January to March- Dancing Days By Led Zeppelin: I listened to this song so much that I started to live my live by the words. The song seems to talk about new beginnings or happy times, which was the case at this time.

April and May- Locked in a Room by Oren Lavie: I was going through a shit tone of shit at this point in the year. I felt like I was stuck and not going anywhere, but I could look out a window and wish I was out and about.

May and June- Send Me on my Way by Rusted Root: Application was back and I was going to be off to UoM in the Fall. It's literal so I'm not explaining it, if you don't get it, then don't read my blog anymore... :)

July and August- The Alabama Song by the Doors: I had everything done a lot of money and no stress so I drank my ass off!

September- Weary Memories by Iron and Wine. Happy as I was, there as a lot of personal memories come back about a certain person while I was a UoM for the first month, and then that person got in touch with me.....

October and November so far. I'm Amazed By My Morning Jacket. I'm Amazed with my self and how good things are :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Question 11

11. You’re locked in a big closet with 3 people, who are they, how did you get locked in the closet, and what are you doing?

So this closet would be one of those old type one's in an old house. the kind where you curious so you want to explore around and find all the secrets.

The 3 people would be my brother Jake, my mom and her sister, my aunt Tammy. We go on crazy adventures all the time that always leave me happy as heck.

No doubt my aunt Tammy was asked to clean out this old house by some fuck tar d that she know. Since it's a cool house with old things in it she'll ask mom to come along and me and Jake to lift heavy things.

After some menial work and a bottle of Lysol or Mr clean we take a break. Me and Jacob would go to the second floor and discover the old closet and want to know if there is anything cool inside we could use (steal..). More often than not it's just old shit. But this time there would be cool things in there. Like an old guitar or some cool jewelry or books.

Mom and Tammy would wonder up and come in to look around. Me being a smart ass would shut to door causing darkness and make scary noises. Since it is an old door and I since I slammed the door it would no doubt lose it's knob. Now we are locked in the closet shouting at each other and laughing our faces off.

We'd get out by either, me or Jacob figuring out how to unlock the door or prying it open, or calling some one to come rescue us.

Ahh Adventure

Question 10

10. How do you react if the person next to you is crying?

I've had this happen several times. Most times is some random person that I don't know, so I just ask what's wrong with a smile and ask if they need anything. More times than not it's been about some douche bag boyfriend. Or some best friend chick fight... I usually just tell them they'll be OK in a couple of days or so and not to worry.

Rarely have I been next to one of my actual friends crying. But it has happened. Always smile. Always be supportive, even if you don't agree with the problem, you can be supportive and give an opinion. Hugs can help depending on the person. Music is always good to. One time I played a silly song on a guitar for someone and they cheered right up :).

All in all it's best just to try and avoid the problem that would make you cry in the first place (unless it is sudden death or something unpreventable, then you have to cry).

Crying can be of happiness!

Question 9

9. How do you feel about yourself?

I love myself and I always have/will. I'm always there for me, I know what's best and what I what to do to get the best.
There isn't one thing I don't like about myself. It's all good. It all has a place in my life and grand plan.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Question 8

8. If you could have anyone next to you right now, who would it be and why?

If I could have any person right next to me now it would be..... my self. Yeah that's right. It's 10:21 at night and I've spent the last 3 days around people, who have been fucking up my routine, and I want to be alone!!

I spend most of my time alone, this way I get to think more and reflect/day dream events. I like people (very few) but I don't feel the need to be out and about all the fucking time! (this is all read in a happy mannerism not angry :))

I know it may seem weird that I didn't choose something else. Like a dead loved one, or some famous person or some person of my own creation. But I don't want the dead to come back, and I don't like famous people, just the characters they play or music they make. As for persons of my own creations, well, if it's just me here then aren't they here in my head as well? (that's creepy... crazy fucker!)

I'm not a loner, I just like being alone as much as being with people.
PS I could have said I wanted my dog here, but that's just beating a dead horse. Lol. Night!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


It's been a while since I've done a proper update so here we go!!

I've bought a guitar, a Jasmine by Takamine. It's a wonderful noise maker. I've been playing none stop for a week and a half. However I've not had the time to write anything, well, anything proper. I have learned a couple new songs though, so that's good!

I now have 6.2 day's of music in my iTunes library. I still have a list of a tone of other music to download. Legally and legitimately of course...

I just got back from the dead people clothes boutique (salvation army thrift store) and I picked up 2 nice shirts for..... wait for it...10 dollars! Oh yeah! Afterwards I stopped at the tiger store (no tigers for sale... I was bummed). I bought a pair of boots, a bennie, and 3 kinds of tea for 30 dollars. Awesome deals! The nice lady at the counter told me to drop my back pack off at the front next time or I would be searched... To which the nice man behind me said "He looks like a thief." I love this city, really!

Tonight I plan to drink tea and catch up on some class that I missed Monday. Samhain was enjoyed with wine.... so I had to sleep in on Monday. But it's all good.

That's it. Hope you are enjoying the questions.

Question 7

7. What was on your last shopping list?


Boots, Bus tickets, Jacket, shirts, tea and "munchies".

Update today after breakfast, so in an hour. :)


Monday, November 1, 2010

Question 6

6. Write a letter to the person you’re closest to.

Dear Jack

It's been a whole 2 months since I've hugged you. My mornings aren't the same with out a fuzz ball to wake me up; or the cold nose in my ear... I miss you enough to cry sometimes, but, since I'm not a woman, I don't. I can only imagine what you must feel. You don't even know if I'm coming back, or why I left in the first place. If there was some way I could tell you I'm sure you'd be cool about it.
Most people love their pets, and see them as family. I'd say your family but I can't say I'd put a tag to it. Your not my son, or my brother, not a father or uncle. Your more like a part of me. One in the same.
We've been on countless adventures in both the actual and other worlds. Never once have you let me down, or hurt me. Well, you've bitten a lot but I bite you too.... lol
I can't put this bond to words, it's unexplainable but you and I know what it's like and that's all that matters

Love you Boo boo.