Friday, June 25, 2010

The was a boat..... A SHITTY FUCK BOAT!

Thursday was the day of sailing and boating and all the rest to do with the ocean and it's craft. I awoke to yet another giant truck going by the house, this whole noise thing in town is shit. After I cleaned up my room some I headed down the steps to start my humble morning routine. The sun was out and the birds where sining and I said "Shut Up!" Lol.

The weather had called for rain in the afternoon so I was debating going sailing or not while I sipped a cup of tea and read some history online. In the end, due to the sun, I decided to go and headed down to the yacht club.

The plan was to get out in one of the small boats first and then come in to get a race burger and go sailing in the race. However it was another last minute poorly conceived plan.... Getting the boat on the back of a truck from a friends house at the opposite end of town was an ordeal in it's self. It wasn't tied right so it feel off on the way down a busy street. We got it tied back up and made it to the club but then the other guy had to leave so it took me and my friend almost 45 mins to get this thing off the truck only to find out half way through setting up that we where missing peaces.

I had fun, maybe got a little frustrated but fun none the less. By the time it was half set up it was race time. Now here is where it gets good!

We had 25-30 mile an hour winds so when your sailing into the wind it makes it seem like your going to tip over. The water was smashing over the sides and there was a bit of a chop on so we hit some bigger waves. I had a great time.

It was also one of the few nights I got to stay on board with the guys and listen to them go on. After they where done we hit up the pizza place where i bought my first donair. Half of it's in the fridge, it's so fucking good! Gave me horrible heart burn, or something close to heart burn but it's worth it.

Tonight I got to work early and get to go on a motor Yacht for a staff party as far as I know. I have an odd feeling that i might have to play something... Maybe I'll just always eat and have an excuse not to. Lol.

Digga Down

1 comment:

  1. The sun was out and the birds where sining and I said "Shut Up!" Lol.

