Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Shitty Fuck boat has been sailed....

I got off work last night at 7:00pm. On a whim mw and a friend decided to grab another buddy and go sailing in a boat like the ones you see in the picture. These are a two person boat at the most but you can fit three people in them so why not do it? Well I'll tell you why.

First off the boat the we where in was not set up fully and still had some snags here and there. Like a part we had to glue back on.... but didn't wait the 3 hours for the glue to dry, so we took in a lot of water....

We paddled out of the marina break water only to find out that our sail wouldn't go up all the way and that the rudder handle was over the main sail ropes at the back. We had to sail/remove the rudder at the same time while moving in and about millon dollar yacths. When we finally got that all fixed we had to tack and with two guys in the back there was no room for one to move so he jumped put and held onto the stern on the boat, letting in a tone of water.

At this point I was on balier duty and we where sailing!! Then these giant black clouds rolled in and the fog started to roll in as well. But we were pirates, and never gave up.

We sailed around for a bit, found out that the boat would vibrate when we went a certian way then called it a night. Put the boat back in its cart and got a victory beer!

I was a night well spent and one of the best time's I've had.
Happy days

Sunday, June 27, 2010

So I Sit Here.....

So I sit here drinking ale and feeling like the Lord Roscoe i should be....

Three days ago I got an e-mail from a website I signed up for. I was a website on Low Impact Woodland home building (just google "Low impact woodland home"). I was on a work shop in wales done by the people who run the website. unfortunately i couldn't go but the e-mail still had a nice bit of info on some random things. Reading I got me to thinking, well, more like I started to look at my life style of the last few months or so.

My life style has been anything but "stable over the last three years, I assume it was all the "growing up" that goes on in that little while. Over the last few months however I've really been steady in my thoughts. Not to be confused with my ways, as they always change, that's just the fun in life! But I've been thinking the same for a while. Like having no doubts in my future at school or where and what i want to be doing in 4-5 years. I've even set my mind on my house.

I've even been thinking of strange things like "kids" (ah!) and in simple terms "marriage". Before I was always like "No!" but now I'm looking more forward to it. The thing that scares me though is the big "D" word that's flung around way too much now a days. I just want to be sure, so I'll play that one safe. (isn't it nice to express one's deep feelings over the Internet.... lolz).

I've the day off tomorrow so I'm going to make the most of it and I hope you all do to.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The was a boat..... A SHITTY FUCK BOAT!

Thursday was the day of sailing and boating and all the rest to do with the ocean and it's craft. I awoke to yet another giant truck going by the house, this whole noise thing in town is shit. After I cleaned up my room some I headed down the steps to start my humble morning routine. The sun was out and the birds where sining and I said "Shut Up!" Lol.

The weather had called for rain in the afternoon so I was debating going sailing or not while I sipped a cup of tea and read some history online. In the end, due to the sun, I decided to go and headed down to the yacht club.

The plan was to get out in one of the small boats first and then come in to get a race burger and go sailing in the race. However it was another last minute poorly conceived plan.... Getting the boat on the back of a truck from a friends house at the opposite end of town was an ordeal in it's self. It wasn't tied right so it feel off on the way down a busy street. We got it tied back up and made it to the club but then the other guy had to leave so it took me and my friend almost 45 mins to get this thing off the truck only to find out half way through setting up that we where missing peaces.

I had fun, maybe got a little frustrated but fun none the less. By the time it was half set up it was race time. Now here is where it gets good!

We had 25-30 mile an hour winds so when your sailing into the wind it makes it seem like your going to tip over. The water was smashing over the sides and there was a bit of a chop on so we hit some bigger waves. I had a great time.

It was also one of the few nights I got to stay on board with the guys and listen to them go on. After they where done we hit up the pizza place where i bought my first donair. Half of it's in the fridge, it's so fucking good! Gave me horrible heart burn, or something close to heart burn but it's worth it.

Tonight I got to work early and get to go on a motor Yacht for a staff party as far as I know. I have an odd feeling that i might have to play something... Maybe I'll just always eat and have an excuse not to. Lol.

Digga Down

Monday, June 21, 2010

SOLTICE! Song for the gods!

Happy Solstice, mid summer! How did all of you celebrate? I planted a garden and jammed out! i can feel the fairy's dancing around me! It's a great time of year; enjoy it!

I've tomorrow of but nothing to do. Awesome! I'm going to eat good food and make music all day! I might even paint my fucking room!

The garden went in great! I've the peas left to plant but I'm waiting to get some net for them. Aside form that I've got one tomato, 12 pepper plants (love my pepper, red and green) one garlic plant and 2 rows of bean seeds. I tried to get the hose rigged up but its really "old school" and the parts i bought were too new. But it's all good, a water can will do just fine.

I went to work today for the 3 hour shift that I have... It went by fast but I had an incident. this woman bought lawn fert and asked me what she should put her spreader on, and i said "Just open it and walk fast... She thought meant the bag and shouted at me :D The girl behind her laughed though. I got to meet a new dog today too.

Everything else has been simple over the week I`ll have adventures tomorrow though.

Dance wild (and naked!)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Physical Thoughts

I ended up going sailing; it was cold and slow but still good. nothing beast the first race of the season, well, my first race. After words I got to go to the bar and have a beer and 2 race burgers. So good.

Tonight I pick my res room for UoM, I'm pumped! Afterwards I get to go down to the pub and get wicked sloshed with my other brother and spend some quality time for the first time in a year and a half. Baring death, I think it should be good.

Since I'm living in town at my grandparents old house I've been snooping around some to find some good junk. I've found some good knives and cool pictures but the strangest thing i found the other day was a book on the "Black Arts"..... My grandmother was really cool but that's a bit odd. After a quick scan through I can understand why she bought it, it's interesting, evil, but interesting.

Tales to come.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

No sails go...

With in one week my entire year came together. Life is really strange sometimes. I've gotten things I've wanted and didn't even know I wanted them, it's like a giant present, but better because it will last until I die!

I've got into a nice routine at work, so it's not stressing me out anymore. I can sail on Thursdays now, however not today, it's raining.... I'm living in town now with my aunt and have almost free range over my life. But the best thing is: I'm a two minute walk from the yacht club. I go down almost every day! I'd be happy to say that I've adopted an European life style and made it my own.

I'm headed to Winnipeg in the fall which is the best news I've heard for a while. I've never been this excited either, it's nice to feel like a kid again. I called the bank today to see if I could get my student credit back up but nothing is easy anymore. I have to get a conformation of registration from the university not just an acceptance letter. But that's going to be gotten by next week, after a couple of e-mails to my academic advisor, who's been really great, I'm to happy to care about the work.

I'm also in the process of putting a garden in at my aunts place. No more dad taking over my stuff, it's all my own! I needed to fix the hose so I got some parts at work but forgot them in Joram's car; I'll have to wait to plant the veggies until this weekend.

Went to trivia last night, it was a bad night. Not a lot of people showed up and we had a new team come in. A new team is great and all but this team was full of stupid cunts and a fat perv (people I went to school with). By the end of the night we wanted to leave. But the night was not lost! Me Andrew and Joram went to Tim's and got 12 donuts and ate them all at Islands Park while the workers watched us. Never eat anymore than 4 donuts, you will get sick.

That covers that long spell of laziness, sorry folks.
See on Friday!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nice Break

Took a break, well kinda. Me and the buds went down to the cottage the other night for a BBQ, only to find out after we ate the there was no power! However we just jammed until it was fixed.This was around 11 so we ended up staying up until 4 in the morning; I haven't done that in a long, long time. That being said I'm to old to do it anymore, I was so tired yesterday.

I've gotten my reading caught up over my day off but still no work on my music, think that's going to be tomorrow's project

Trivia tonigt, I'll have something to tell tomorrow.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Why can't we all just get along?

I am so behind on all my things that I have to start over again. The fun that has been had over the last two weeks has put to many things on hold. So I'm taking this week off from the pub and going out, unless it's to jam.

I've got a summer album in brain storm stage, where it's been for 2 months... I've told my self that I should hold of for the laptop to record but what good is that if I have no songs. So I've really got to get my ass in gear and jam out all this week.

I need to start reading again as well, I picked up a Robert Jordan book the other day. I can get back into those. Then I've some french translation book to read. And a special blog :D.

The last thing I have to really buckle down on is actual french and learning to speak it! I want to take entry level french this year at X or UoM but I have to take a test to get in because I don't have grade 11 french. With the help of a book, website and my other brother I'll be ready!

I've met 3 people in the last two weeks, real successful people that have all told me to travel soon. This is something I've always known, so why not? I'm starting to plan now, even if I go alone.


Thursday, June 3, 2010


I have no idea what is going to happen in the next 4 days. And so I don't know what to do or write about. So lets talk about this bridge.

Personally I like this bridge; it's so shitty that you know there must be something good on the other side, like treasure or candy! Also, there's another, more shitty, bridge beside it. This can only mean that the less shitty one was made after the more shitty one fell into the shit coloured water! Thus reinforcing my candy theory.

I do have some plans for today, I want to read some, then got to work and mop for 3 hours.... After work I'm either going to the yacht club or a last minute BBQ at the cottage with the gang. Both would be nice but I don't know about the BBQ.

I had a dream about Star Wars last night; I was watching the movie's but I was in the movies. I ended up messing with the whole plot and killing Luke Skywalker sending the Galaxy into an imperial communist regime. Only to live a simple live with the Ewoks and a select few humans. I know where it came from too. At Trivia our team name was "The Blue thing from Star wars, you know the one that went up and down on the keyboard.... Like Ray Charles but not blind and he was and elephant." We had the best name.


Sleep In....

I slept in until 12 o'clock today.... feels good man! I always wondered if the messed with my internal clock, internet says no but the internet is wrong a lot of the time.

Think I'm going to make a big lunch again today and take 3 hours to eat it. Looks like hamburgers fro lunch. I've got this wierd thing going on now, I have a normal breakfast, like toast or cereal or eggs, and then like a vegetarian lunch, and supper ends up being red delicious meat!

The weather's even weird today, it's sunny feeling but rainy day looking. Global warming?! AH!

Went to trivia with the guys last night, well, two of them. It was fun, we actually did really good this time around and we won a Keiths glass then were given another beer glass from another team. We peed on the Dory Shop Museum.... :D After words we went for pizza but no crazy people in there last night, just us. That pizza is so good after a few beer, yum.

I think I missed a day on here, so I'll do two today, maybe some type of review or somin.
Until then

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Summer! The night at the cottage (left) really got me excited for summer. It brought back a lot of childhood memories and wave of fun!
I guess I've been too wrapped up in trivial shit to get down there more; I don't see why the family can't get down there this summer though. I'm going to work on making this happen; fun for all!

We had a rock fort down there that was really cool but it seems the winter storms knocked it all down. The other thing that was down there was a drift wood boat that me and a friend made, I didn't look for it but it should still be there.

Moving on. I sharing this with everyone, Send Me On My Way By Rusted Roots, that song is great, it's guaranteed to make anyone happy! Even the video is good, just dancing out in the desert all happy. I hope to live the life of a indie band member someday, going from gig to gig, living in the back of my station wagon; that's the life!

Until later