Thursday, July 15, 2010

Vacation with work

I finally got to go to the Cottage for more than one night, with the family. It was just like old times, literally. A couple of old friends that moved away in 1999 were back for a couple of days.

It was a fucking great time, however, I'm getting two damn old to stay up till 5 in the morning. That messed me up so bad my feet hurt! But it was fully worth it, don't think I've had the much fun just talking to someone before.

Work last night was dragging on, so 3 hours seemed like 5. It wasn't bad though, I got to meet a new dog. He was a little black lab, collie mix, named.... wait for it.... Leonard Cohen, :D. That dog's going places.

Courses are all picked for UoM, had a little "jumpin" moment after it was all done. I'm like a fat kid with a cup cake, so excited!

The sun's trying to come out today. It's about fucking time. I'm headed to the yacht club at 4 then sailing for 6 and back to work for a few days, leading to my 4 day vacation!! Won't be heading to Evolve this year but I'm going to make the most of it, somewhere far away.

Don't Die.

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