Monday, July 19, 2010

The Night to Remember

Work was hell on Saturday. It was bad enough that I had to get up a 7:00 in the morning but I also had to go landscaping in the damn heat!
Not all was bad though, Lenard the puppy was by for a visit, the owners like the smile he puts on my face so they said they'll try to get in more.
At the end of the day I had to go to a place called Blanch and deliver a tree with my boss. It's about a 40 min drive from the store and I didn't really want to go. But there was a beautiful woman waiting for us when we got there. It turned out good.
I waited another hour for Andrew to get off work so we could go get Chinese food with Joram. It was one of the best meals I've ever had. Barring the red wine, never get red wine with Chinese, it's horrid. There was two biker gangs in the restaurant, "The Defenders Ch. 10" and the "Southern Ravens". It was a little scary for a while but they we're all really cool and a little drunk. After the meal we drove by some walking and Andrew shouted "THE DEFENDERS YEAH!!!!!!" and they all cheered. Joram told him to shut the fuck up before we got a hit put on us.... lol.

We made our way to Andrews house for which we left to pick up another friend and go swimming. On the trail to the lake we followed a porcupine named Hector. It was like a little parade; every time he stopped we all stopped. Hector wasn't scared at all of us, wish I could have kept him.

Aside from that nothing has happened. New blog page tomorrow, page not post, and a new chapter to "Sailing South"


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