Monday, July 26, 2010

On A Whim

Life is wonderful! Go out and live it! There is always somthing for you, I love you all. Night :D.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tiss Ptties

I've been up for about 20 hours by now. Me and the guys went camping. It was too much fun! My sides hurt really bad from laughing.

So at the beginning of the night I went to dinner with my mom and aunt; after which we popped over to the yacht club and had a drink. From there I gave Joram a ring and ask what the plan was for tonight. He said he'd pick me up and that we where meeting Andrew and Luke at Luke's place. We get there and grab a bunch of random camping things and head to the camping spot.

In ohio we picked up Jesse and made a 20 min drive to the old hunting camp, started a fire and watched Luke drink himself silly! I can't even begin to explain the shit that was coming out of his mouth, he was SO drunk! Tiss Pitties was his favorite swear for the night. eventually he passed out in the cabin and we just sat around until 3 in the morning talking and having a time. We burnt 6 beer bottles, try that some time it's really cool!

Before we went to be Joram went swimming and was like a little kid in the water. All his yelling and screaming woke Luke, who, still being drunk, came out and shouted "There's Jerk all over every where!" Yeah.... disgusting!

Finally we went to bed but not in the cabin (there was bats!) but on the back of the truck; it was not comfy. At about 5 in the morning it rained so i ran inside the camp, spent a half hour looking for bats then finally went to sleep for an hour.

We left at 8 and Joram and I went to subway for breakfast, it was good.

Think I'll have a nap...

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Night to Remember

Work was hell on Saturday. It was bad enough that I had to get up a 7:00 in the morning but I also had to go landscaping in the damn heat!
Not all was bad though, Lenard the puppy was by for a visit, the owners like the smile he puts on my face so they said they'll try to get in more.
At the end of the day I had to go to a place called Blanch and deliver a tree with my boss. It's about a 40 min drive from the store and I didn't really want to go. But there was a beautiful woman waiting for us when we got there. It turned out good.
I waited another hour for Andrew to get off work so we could go get Chinese food with Joram. It was one of the best meals I've ever had. Barring the red wine, never get red wine with Chinese, it's horrid. There was two biker gangs in the restaurant, "The Defenders Ch. 10" and the "Southern Ravens". It was a little scary for a while but they we're all really cool and a little drunk. After the meal we drove by some walking and Andrew shouted "THE DEFENDERS YEAH!!!!!!" and they all cheered. Joram told him to shut the fuck up before we got a hit put on us.... lol.

We made our way to Andrews house for which we left to pick up another friend and go swimming. On the trail to the lake we followed a porcupine named Hector. It was like a little parade; every time he stopped we all stopped. Hector wasn't scared at all of us, wish I could have kept him.

Aside from that nothing has happened. New blog page tomorrow, page not post, and a new chapter to "Sailing South"


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Vacation with work

I finally got to go to the Cottage for more than one night, with the family. It was just like old times, literally. A couple of old friends that moved away in 1999 were back for a couple of days.

It was a fucking great time, however, I'm getting two damn old to stay up till 5 in the morning. That messed me up so bad my feet hurt! But it was fully worth it, don't think I've had the much fun just talking to someone before.

Work last night was dragging on, so 3 hours seemed like 5. It wasn't bad though, I got to meet a new dog. He was a little black lab, collie mix, named.... wait for it.... Leonard Cohen, :D. That dog's going places.

Courses are all picked for UoM, had a little "jumpin" moment after it was all done. I'm like a fat kid with a cup cake, so excited!

The sun's trying to come out today. It's about fucking time. I'm headed to the yacht club at 4 then sailing for 6 and back to work for a few days, leading to my 4 day vacation!! Won't be heading to Evolve this year but I'm going to make the most of it, somewhere far away.

Don't Die.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sailing South Part II

Sailing East means one thing, I have to go by Africa and that means Pirates... But since I'm in the lovely south I'm sure I can get guns pretty cheap and once again, since I have nothing there will be nothing to steal!

Destination: New Zealand. Estimate Time of Travel: 3 months. Where to stop: Head off from Uruguay, cross the Atlantic. Once over the Atlantic I'll have to stop in Cape Town, Africa, it will be one of two stops I make on that nasty piece of land. From Cape Town I'll head up and over to Madagascar and re supply again.

The next bit of sailing will be trough some of the most dangerous waters in the world, I'll have to fight pirates and the like, as well as avoid all the UN navy ships who would pick me up in a second. This will be hard and I might have to re-think my position.

Might see If I can actually write these in greater detail every other day, then throw in some real posts randomly.


Friday, July 9, 2010

Sailing South

At least once a month I get the urge to "leave it all behind". Not that I have something to run away from anything, more like I'm running to something. At the moment I'm not going to run away, due to my life changing plans I have in effect. But over the winter I was about 500 dollars shy and a car away from leaving for a while.

What got me going this time is a sailboat at out marina. It was used to try and smuggle illegal Lithuanians into Canada and now Canadian Customs owns it and wants to action it of for really, really, really, cheap. So, if i had nothing, aside from the money I've saved, I'd buy it and sail south. Now, I'm not one to be cocky or brave/stupid enough to sail all that way alone. I'm sure I could get some other people to come along. Like put up a sign in random ports and get people to sign up for a life at sea. Just like the old days. Yeah, there's a lot more I have to do, I know I can't just leave but I'm not going to bore you with details.

But what would I do in the south? Well just look at the picture above. All I would have is a boat! NOTHING else!! So nothing to worry about! No obligations! Just survive! Believe me, I can live on nothing. It's safe, no one's going to steal my nothing so I could go anywhere and not worry. Good times in the south. Eventually I would see if i can make enough money and sail east with either the same crew or a new one. Set course for New Zealand.

Part II in two days

Good day

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Nothing has been going on at all. I had that nice week last weeks and now it's all mellowed out, like.

Came home for the next couple of weeks, dad's got the foundation for the barn layed down so soon we'll start work on the actual building. I've got some things to figure out about UoM and am not having a fun time doing it. One more email and then I call.

I work today for the lovely 3 hours, get to hang out with some dogs I hope. Trivia's tonight but I think it might be a no go. There's only 3 guys on our team and one heads to Toronto tomorrow for a booty call :P and I'm poor again... But if my other friend wants to go I'll get 3 bucks and go with him.

So yesterday I was fucking sick. Like puke a lot sick. I don't know what the fuck happened but it was horrible. By 5 I was OK though and headed to the yacht club to go sailing. I waited till 10 to 6 but the guy I was going with didn't show, which was OK I just hope I waited long enough and he doesn't think I ditched him.

I've got to take the dog out now. Have a good 2 days!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Finding Good in the Worst of it.

Wednesday night after work I got picked up by a friend to got to trivia. We went to trivia, sat down, got some beer, and waited.... No one else showed up for our team and all the other teams were short a lot of people as well. So it was canceled! me and my friend ended up going to Scotia lunch and got a couple big juicy Bacon double Cheese burgers!

After the burgers were ate we walked the old rail road tracks now tuned trail to the edge of town and then trough town back to his car. Since there was going to be Canada day things going on tomorrow I ended up just crashing at his place. It was nice, just like old times. We played Halo and then his mom watched the gargoyles cartoon with us until 2 in the morning.

We slept in until 11 then cooked bacon and eggs. After breakfast we played an old computer game from our childhood and kicked some ass! At 4 we headed into Lockeport and had to wait for 2 hours until the other guys got there and then had to go to some house/party where we knew no one and hated the rest...

The Fire Works were good and I had a good time watching them and was getting excited because i thought we where all going to the cabin but then that got fucked up because of other peoples drunk parents.

I ended up staying home for a change a got to see my son which is nice. So in the end it was all good, and not once did I get mad I just enjoyed the time in other ways! :D

Good day