Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Moving into the new age.

There was this one time, in high school, that I stayed out until 12 am! Such a bad thing this was! It was so bad that when I got home my father woke up from his sleep and said he was worried. In the morning I was going to get a cell phone, at his expense, of course. Given this was a while back, before cell phones were really big, and before this data, smart phone dealies as well. Any adolescent would have been ecstatic at the prospect. But not me, no sir. This meant that I would be accessible to my parents at all times...

I must have kept that phone for a week or more, then I craftily gave it to my Mom. She needed it more than I did, or so I made them believe. From that moment on I've been cell phone-less! For the better part of the time I've been phone-less too! My first year of University I unplugged the phone in my room, due to it's unyielding red blinking like. Not good for the hang-overs!

My 2nd year in university I almost bought a phone! I was 3000 miles from home and thought it would be imperative  to make new friends and find a lady. Well, the price and worry of losing a phone soon led me not buy one. Through old fashion charm and conversation (and some beer) I managed to make friends and get a girl (that was her doing (And I couldn't be more happy!)).

But now, The time has come for me to get one. Once I return to school I'm going to buy a cell phone. I'll really need it this time, as I plan to stay in the city 3000 miles away from home and in order to work, I have to be reachable some how!

Now this all being said I'm not going to be a cell-junkie as it were. I've never had one, I don't want one, and I know what a phone for, unlike some people.


It's rude. It's like you are talking to me and I turn around and whisper to someone behind me.

So that is that!

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