Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Best Way to Say Nothing.

     In simple. The best way to say nothing is to not say, but in order to not say something you have to think it. The trick is not saying something or saying it, it's knowing when and when not to say something. This isn't pertaining to one word either. This can be applied to a conversation.

For the first time Google has failed the public... I don't need to know how to not to text back.... I have no phone, tomorrows post! Or if I talk too much, that's easy enough to tell for anyone but the person talking and they'll catch on eventually.

What I am getting at, is the part of life based on communication. Good communication is key to anything! BUT! Like most things, it works both ways. Know when not to communicate can be a good thing too.
People a curious by nature. Some more than others. I my self am, but I like to take my time, and be careful about finding something out. I don't want to invade peoples heads, and I don't want them in mine. That is a privilege given to a select few of course. Sometimes I don't need to know things and sometimes other people don't either. That being said, I really have nothing to hide.

Now I'll move on to something else. People rarely mean what they say. That is a bag of rabies cats, that I'm not going into. Just trust me. You your self don't mean what you say most times. People sometimes do this on purpose, but, sometimes they need to talk it out to get the meaning across. This is when patience and listening come in. You just can't hear someone, you have to listen, and even that isn't enough you have to pay attention! Treat anything important like it will make or break you. Most likely it will!

Take this to heart, and don't just apply it to conversations, think about it always. Patience *is* a virtue! Lucky for us virtues can be developed and gained!

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