Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Maggie May

The sickness of the year has struck! Lucky for me Cranberry juice has 100% of your daily vitamin C and it clears out your pee track! But it also make me think of Barry White; an alias of his perhaps?

In light of the sickness I was able to get some quality time with the old guitar and THE CHEAT, not to be confused with The Cheat.

It had been a long time since I actually sat down a played for more than ten minutes, let alone learn an actual song. I had been at a friends graduation this weekend and heard Maggie May by Rod Stewart on the radio. Since it had guitar and mandolin I decided to learn it. It has been a success, but I need some more pracctice to get it going good. I think this is the start of my set list. I want to get this set up by the end of the summer and maybe get to do some shows at Uni. I'll add a side bar under the "Music to be Shared".

Moving on I knew I needed to write a post today so began by looking up the usual picture and decided to find Maggie May in the flesh. A good hand full of pictures were not PG friendly but here is the top 3 finalists(in order of appearance):

Loves his Lego, and that is a nice shirt. I doubt this is a Maggie May, most likely her Father or such but it was listed as Maggie May, so here she is. Makes the song sound totally different if you Imagine him being the subject.... Hah

This is more like what Rod was thinking when he wrote the song. Did he write the song? Let us learn.... yes, as well as  Martin Quittenton.

Good Stuff.

And the last one. There was a lot of dogs that came up but I liked this one. Again, this is a game changer but the dog can still fit in the song a the subject. I'd sing about my dog.... Maybe not like Rod Stewart possible did...

There are the top 3, now I want you boogers, I mean readers*, to vote for them in the comments.

That was my day.


  1. I'd just like to point out that the old dude isn't why that picture was returned in the search results. It's the lego chick lying on the floor. That's Maggie May - the old dude stole her from Rod
