Sunday, May 27, 2012

Top 10 Video Games! (of mine)

This is going to be an obscure list of games, based on my personal memories, time played and over all fun. Not based on game play, story, balance and what haves. I play games for fun, not to pretend that being a "gamer" means something...
These are in Order!

The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind.
     I have a good part of my life invested in this game. Even more in the franchise itself. Morrowind takes the cake though, as both my number one and number one elder scrolls game. It's a huge RPG world with a new take on high fantasy that has endless possibilities. I cans till load it up and play all day no problem. With graphics mods you can get it to run looking sharp as hell. I've yet to do everything in this game, but I've "beaten" it 8 times, and have had about double that many characters!

Look this game up and if you are not convinced read this.

Pokemon Red
I can still remember the feeling of pure joy that Xmas morning when I opened up my lime green game boy colour and Pokemon red! Not only could I play this at home but in the long car rides to relatives house! or at the cottage while camping! Not to mention how good a game this was! Because of it's portability and time logged this is coming in a close 2nd.

Rome Total War.
I've only owned Rome Total War for 2 years now, but I've played it religiously for those two years! This is one of the few games that I actually scheduled into my day, rather than play it on free time. A lot of people were big into the multilayer, but I killed for the campaign. Being a Classics major this game (despite it's historical flaws....) is a great way to spend your time!

Check out ClunytheScourge1 for some nice battle cometary.
The awesome bug fixer, and the balance mod. (The game is ok with out these, die hard fans only!)

Neverwinter Nights (and expansions.)

This game was not only a video game for me, but an introduction to the Forgotten realms (leading to books), D&D, and LAN capabilities of computers! Me and my good friend used to cart our desktops back and forth just to play this game together. With a still healthy on-line community there is a tone of fan made campaigns to play. The replay ability on this game is huge! This is the only game I can play straight for 12 hours with a friend!

Age of Empires, The Age of Kings 

Best RTS ever made. Map editor, tones of campaigns, acurate but short history. Hours and hours of game play. Also a LAN-able game with hours of good old friend time fun.

Also try Age of Mythology and Age of Empires 3.

Half-Life 2
I just bought this game on steam, but I've been playing it since it came out. The source engine it runs on was video games god's gift to gamers.

The campaign is awesome, it's got everything you want, people, aliens, zombies and a sexy lady. An array of cool guns as well as a crowbar! it brings old school shooters into the new age with out the shit!

Buy this game, get some friends, install the Synergy mod, have fun!

Halo: Combat Evolved!
Four words: System Link Sleep overs! I've always had a close group of 7 friends, and we played the shit out of this game! So many 4 am sleep overs, hopped up on sugar and playing Blood Gulch team death match or sidewinder CTF.

Infinite grenades, indestructible tanks, and warthog jousting!

You can find this pretty easy for PC and have some games with friends far away!

Everyone has heard about it, if not:, the trailer says it all.

It's a wonderful pick me up game, with no restrictions. Huge, media and mod communities. And an on-line game experience that is rivalled by nothing!
Also family friendly!

Sins of a Solar Empire.
Good RTS, different take. You can name your own Planets and as far as I know there is no population cap.... I've had some damn good fleet battles with this babe and it's part of the reason I had a good first year university!

Be prepared for long games!!! Especially in Multilayer, but once you get rolling after an hour or so you have some great play time!

007 Golden Eye.

Ah the Nintendo 64, I miss you. Plans this year to get you going again! Sweet Jesus!

I don't think a lot of explanation is required here. Also a good sleepover game!

Lord of the Rings On-line.

It's free! Now, it wasn't always. I'm not an MMO player but I actually bought this one for a while and loved it! It keeps to the LOTR lore great! and the places are all original not movie based! It has an awesome player base and is just a great game. You can live a fake life in here.

That's my Top 10 list. get as many of these as you can. Comments please!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What do John and Trolls Have in Common?

Do you remember John?! If not see here.

His name isn't actually John, nor is he a juvenile delinquent, that I know of. He's Sebastien Tellier, a french singer/song writer in the electronic/techno genre. Sorry Mr. Tellier, did not mean to portray you in a bad light.

Anyway, I was thinking about this picture last night and remembered that The Google has an actual image search; you can search by uploading a picture. The case with John was just one incidence of it's application. Just imagine all the bullshit you could figure out on-line from the, as they call them "trolls". It's something to think about, but most often a fight on the internet is not worth it at all. People feel save on-line and even if they did loose there would be no long term effects.

This reminds me of a movie I saw this year called The Troll Hunter. It's a Norwegian film, and I must say they make some damn good movies if you don't mind sub-titles. Dead Snow (Død snø) was an excellent movie as well.

I was going to give an update on John but once I found out who he was I decided not too. So you can have some pop culture and 2 good movies! :)


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Moving into the new age.

There was this one time, in high school, that I stayed out until 12 am! Such a bad thing this was! It was so bad that when I got home my father woke up from his sleep and said he was worried. In the morning I was going to get a cell phone, at his expense, of course. Given this was a while back, before cell phones were really big, and before this data, smart phone dealies as well. Any adolescent would have been ecstatic at the prospect. But not me, no sir. This meant that I would be accessible to my parents at all times...

I must have kept that phone for a week or more, then I craftily gave it to my Mom. She needed it more than I did, or so I made them believe. From that moment on I've been cell phone-less! For the better part of the time I've been phone-less too! My first year of University I unplugged the phone in my room, due to it's unyielding red blinking like. Not good for the hang-overs!

My 2nd year in university I almost bought a phone! I was 3000 miles from home and thought it would be imperative  to make new friends and find a lady. Well, the price and worry of losing a phone soon led me not buy one. Through old fashion charm and conversation (and some beer) I managed to make friends and get a girl (that was her doing (And I couldn't be more happy!)).

But now, The time has come for me to get one. Once I return to school I'm going to buy a cell phone. I'll really need it this time, as I plan to stay in the city 3000 miles away from home and in order to work, I have to be reachable some how!

Now this all being said I'm not going to be a cell-junkie as it were. I've never had one, I don't want one, and I know what a phone for, unlike some people.


It's rude. It's like you are talking to me and I turn around and whisper to someone behind me.

So that is that!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Best Way to Say Nothing.

     In simple. The best way to say nothing is to not say, but in order to not say something you have to think it. The trick is not saying something or saying it, it's knowing when and when not to say something. This isn't pertaining to one word either. This can be applied to a conversation.

For the first time Google has failed the public... I don't need to know how to not to text back.... I have no phone, tomorrows post! Or if I talk too much, that's easy enough to tell for anyone but the person talking and they'll catch on eventually.

What I am getting at, is the part of life based on communication. Good communication is key to anything! BUT! Like most things, it works both ways. Know when not to communicate can be a good thing too.
People a curious by nature. Some more than others. I my self am, but I like to take my time, and be careful about finding something out. I don't want to invade peoples heads, and I don't want them in mine. That is a privilege given to a select few of course. Sometimes I don't need to know things and sometimes other people don't either. That being said, I really have nothing to hide.

Now I'll move on to something else. People rarely mean what they say. That is a bag of rabies cats, that I'm not going into. Just trust me. You your self don't mean what you say most times. People sometimes do this on purpose, but, sometimes they need to talk it out to get the meaning across. This is when patience and listening come in. You just can't hear someone, you have to listen, and even that isn't enough you have to pay attention! Treat anything important like it will make or break you. Most likely it will!

Take this to heart, and don't just apply it to conversations, think about it always. Patience *is* a virtue! Lucky for us virtues can be developed and gained!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Music Playing. Playing Music.

     Today I received two new albums and the thought occurred to me, when do I listen to music? When do people listen to music? I can only speak for my self on this subject. I can't listen to it while surfing the web, as that usually involves reading and/or a youtube video...
    I've never been able to sit still long enough to just sit there and listen to music as this usually makes me want to play music on something or do something else. I don't run, so no iPOD jogs for me.. The most I listen to music is in a car, while drinking, or at an actual concert. The more I think about this the more odd it seems. I appreciate music, I love music, it's a big part of my life... But it seems that I do not listen to it enough!

Maybe I will have to take up running, guess I'll have to buy one of those nice iPOD arm bands (Burn after reading, good movie). This is a nice seg-way into the next order of business. I'm over my sickness via pure determination and will power on my part. I had forgotten I can just turn things off. It is my body after all and I'll be damned it I let it fail me! I've decided to get on the old shape up routine and get my sexy body back in its proper place, as well as my mental health. The later will be harder, considering I'm away from all the good things in my life at the moment, but positive thinking can go a long way.

Now we can move on to item number C. I learned Hey Jude by the Beatles on Wednesday. It's going on the list, may be able to sing it if I practice... hah.

I hope you're not learning English here because it's shit!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Maggie May

The sickness of the year has struck! Lucky for me Cranberry juice has 100% of your daily vitamin C and it clears out your pee track! But it also make me think of Barry White; an alias of his perhaps?

In light of the sickness I was able to get some quality time with the old guitar and THE CHEAT, not to be confused with The Cheat.

It had been a long time since I actually sat down a played for more than ten minutes, let alone learn an actual song. I had been at a friends graduation this weekend and heard Maggie May by Rod Stewart on the radio. Since it had guitar and mandolin I decided to learn it. It has been a success, but I need some more pracctice to get it going good. I think this is the start of my set list. I want to get this set up by the end of the summer and maybe get to do some shows at Uni. I'll add a side bar under the "Music to be Shared".

Moving on I knew I needed to write a post today so began by looking up the usual picture and decided to find Maggie May in the flesh. A good hand full of pictures were not PG friendly but here is the top 3 finalists(in order of appearance):

Loves his Lego, and that is a nice shirt. I doubt this is a Maggie May, most likely her Father or such but it was listed as Maggie May, so here she is. Makes the song sound totally different if you Imagine him being the subject.... Hah

This is more like what Rod was thinking when he wrote the song. Did he write the song? Let us learn.... yes, as well as  Martin Quittenton.

Good Stuff.

And the last one. There was a lot of dogs that came up but I liked this one. Again, this is a game changer but the dog can still fit in the song a the subject. I'd sing about my dog.... Maybe not like Rod Stewart possible did...

There are the top 3, now I want you boogers, I mean readers*, to vote for them in the comments.

That was my day.