Thursday, August 1, 2013

Half life 2: Arrival

     I was nearing the end of my train ride  to City 17  for my new job placement.  After the"Incident" at my previous employers, the Unemployment Office was finding it hard to get me a job anywhere. I was  told  my best bet was to move to the area of City 17. There was a high demand for skilled Scientists.
      Upon arriving at the train station I was a bit uneasy... I was greeted with  batons by a number of strange masked police officers. As I exited the train  my fellow passengers and I were directed towards a gate  down a corridor. I went as directed towards the gate, simply dispelling this incident as nothing more than security measures

    As I continued on my way I found that the officers were not even remotely friendly. they would raise their batons if you looked at them in the wrong way. Honestly,  I say by this  point I was rather nervous for my well being . I was just about to reach the exit, but got stopped by an officer who had emerged from a door close by.
                                                                                                                                                                    He urgently told me to follow him  as he gestured  with his hand  down the hallway. With fear I may be beaten or something much worse I complied.  As I followed the officer thoughts of what I might have done wrong flooded my mind.

    We turned off into a room and he locked the door then turned to me. I was fearing the end; surely this was it... He reached to his helmet and took it off:
the familiar face of Barney... the drunk janitor from my old job! Before I had the chance to  ask what he could possibly be doing here and wearing a officer uniform! He belted out that I had to get out the city. Staring at him with disbelief  he continued on for several moments before a knock of the door interrupted him and he quickly rushed me out a back door without explanation. This was beginning to be to weird for me; I hastily made it out the exist.

 I entered the city streets an figured my best bet would be to find  my new apartment  maybe then I could try and figure out what Barney was trying to say?   Now just to find it the apartment building....                                                                                                                                                            

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