Saturday, August 10, 2013

First impressions Neverwinter Nights MMO

    The stout and mighty Fargrim Stoneheart  a swash buckling dwarf pirate hailing from Bauldersgate made his rather unexpected landing on the Shores
of Neverwinter along side his half elf companion Dascoe..It was soon to be discovered by the duo Neverwinter  lay in  mid battle with the gruesome      undead army ..

      I was not sure what to expect when i started playing the game ,But began having positive insight about it.

1)   Character creation i found it to be very similar to the layout of The online D&D which makes since, It appeared there where far more choices in the ways to customize your adventurer. I always did enjoy the character creation bit in games and this was no exception , well done.

2) Graphics for the over all game seemed to be fair i was pleased with how the game looked, good textures an layout so far. Though the issue was brought up about the coloring seeming to  "Glossy" its color  overly did not bother me as much at all. Though i think it could stand to have less of a shine/gloss to it.

3)Voice acting I thought the voice acting in the game to be ok, it wasn't over all great but ok. I was happy to see the Characters you meet in game for quests reading more of the text shown before you on screen ,saving the player time from reading it them self ,perhaps i'm just lazy but i thought it was a nice touch!

4) Combat I thought the combat in the game to be Exceptional! , with new ability's and attacks the adventurer receives upon leveling up it really adds to the over all combat feeling.Defeating your enemy's with your choice of attacks instead of standard hack and slash which are still fun.

     So after looking at these aspects of the game i know for sure i will keep on playing it . I really enjoyed the game, and would love to see what else it has to offer in the long run  defiantly recommend this to any fans of D&D online or Neverwinter its the best of both worlds

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