Sunday, October 31, 2010

Question 5

5. Write a letter to someone you've never met.

To whom it may concern,

Today, October 31st 2010, I, Adam Roscoe, have finished building my time machine. I have travelled back to warn you about the pending doom. Dogs have been mans best friend since before earth was created. You may ask why? It is because they are Transformers sent here from the planet x-10 to protect us from the evil conquerors of the distant galaxies. These terrible destroyers of planets are known simply as Squirrels. Our canine guardians have been relentlessly attacking these squirrel invaders for centuries. If humans do not unite by December 21st, 2012 earth will be overrun by squirrels and eventually our existence will come to a close. Heed my wise words and join forces with your canine protector and rid this world of these ungodly varmint.

Yours Truly

Adam "Peaches" Roscoe

Letter by:
"The Alpha Male" Cole Wreggitt

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Question 4

4. Words you live by. Why do you like them?

Words I live by... "Sex, drugs and Rock 'n' Roll". There you go.

This question is a hard one. The words I live by could probably take up half of this post. Really, can't say that I live by words. I just kinda live my life and do some good things when I can. But for the sake of the challenge I'll sting some bull shit together :D

Family, love, friends, knowledge, music, and food.

I'm very family oriented, as much as we fight we're closer then most families. This includes my non immediate family as well.

Love is just a given. I might not know what romantic love is, but I've got all the rest covered pretty good. Sex is probably in here as well. I like sex, proper sex, enough said.

Friends. Friends are awesome. It's not a term I throw around lightly either. I have a few friends compared to the people I know. Of those maybe 3 or 4 are best friends.

Knowledge. Knowledge is power and I exploit this to the full existent. Muhaha.

Music. Given that I'm not a good musician I think that I'm pretty creative given the skill that I have to work with. It's one thing that never fails me, and never will. I'm not big on sharing this part of my life but the few times I have has been wonderful.

Food. Food is a trio, food, drink and sleep are all intertwined. Food is good as well as magical. Drink, water is the best thing in the world, we should all worship it. Sleep. Sleep's just nice. :)

Like I said before, I don't base my life off of some quote or list of values I have. I'm smart enough to know that people change as well as the world around them. To try and keep things the same is just horrid. But there is somethings that are solid in life, or that can be made solid. That's where i get the words from.

It's all an opinion but good none the less.

Picture is just cool eh? Stuff like that can make you feel better but don't let it get to you.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Question 3

3. Is the truth always good to hear? Why or why not?

No the truth is not always good to hear. A 5 year old child could answer this question. It's good to be told the truth in some circumstances but not always. Some things just don't need to be told or admitted. A healthy medium has to exist between telling and not telling the truth.
Now this all changes from person to person. And also that it's very easy for someone to say "I'd always want to be told the truth", but when they hear it, it sucks... So really, all you have to do is use your own discretion and common sense. One big rule, as I see it, is to mind your own business. :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Question 2

2. List ten people you would die for. (no particular order.)

1. My brother, but it would have to be a good reason....

2. Mum. I need her to cook for me

3. My grand dad. He has to live for as long as possible. The world needs him

4. Jacknafien, my dog. Before you get all funky and such, he's a person to me. It would probably kill either of us inside if one of us dies.

5. Kate (eat it bitch)

6. Hugh Laurie. Who wouldn't die for that man?

7. My other brother. I can't really see him getting into a life death situation and even if he did I'm sure he'd be fine, but if it did happen...

8. My best friend. (who is it?! Oh no!!) Might be able to guess who it is. Might not. maybe we'll find out later on.

9. Auntie Tam. She gets into trouble all the time so I might have a very short life.

10. My Dad, but only if he was unable to take care of himself. after all he's my dad and it's his job to die for me really.

I hold my life in very high regard and don't want to die. But I'm not afraid to die in the least. given that I have not faced death in the slightest but in such a circumstance that i would have to die for a person then it wouldn't matter anyway. it would be an in the moment action and all thoughts would be void.
I hope I never have to die for a person or a person never has to die for me.

Happier questions on the way.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The 30 day blog challenge.

For the next 30 days I will be answering one question from this list ever day for 30 days.
1. Why are you doing this challenge?
2. List ten people who you would die for.
3. Is the truth always good to hear? Why or why not?
4. Words you live by. Why do you like them?
5. Write a letter to someone you’ve never met.
6. Write a letter to the person you’re closest to.
7. What was on your last shopping list?
8. If you could have anyone next to you right now, who would it be and why?
9. How do you feel about yourself?
10. How do you react if the person next to you is crying?
11. You’re locked in a big closet with 3 people, who are they, how did you get locked in the closet, and what are you doing?
12. Choose a song that sums up the year you’ve been having so far.
13. If you ever ended up in jail, what crime would you have most likely committed?
14. Your life story in three words.
15. A prank you’ve pulled on someone and a prank someone’s pulled on you. What were your feelings and thoughts through out each. Have your feelings and thoughts changed?
16. What is your biggest fear right now?
17. Your favorite childhood memory.
18. If you were going to have 10 kids, 5 girls, 5 boys, what would their names be? (first or full names)
19. Have you ever ran away? If not, would you?
20. If you could have a world of your own, what would it be like? Who would be there? What would you do there?
21. Something you’re ashamed of.
22. Something you’re proud of.
23. What is your passion? How did it become so?
24. Tell us about the first time you fell in love.
25. Are you a rebel or do you like going with the flow? Why?
26. A time when you hurt someone’s feelings but don’t regret it.
27. List 5 things you want to do in your life.
28. Your most prized possesion and why.
29. A place where you feel most comfortable. A person you feel most comfortable with.
30. Who are you? When are you you? When are you not you?

This is all in addition to my regualar posting. All questions will be answered truthfully and seriously. They'll be direct answers too. No tip toe answers here!

1.Why are you doing this challenge?

I'm doing this for a few reasons
-Friend showed it to me and I have to do it better than her.... :P
- I need more material for this blog
- Some of the questions I've never actaully thought about and want to answer them
- I've nothing to hide. :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

John Gooshdales!

Summary: 2 tests, ANTH is a B, 70%, RELGN is an A, 80%. Next two test this Thursday, then a week off from tests. Wooh.

The month of October it a wondrous time for many university students. It can be the make or break month. The social chatter is that of various midterms and papers; maybe even the odd project. I my self cannot help but laugh at the various study methods and random cooping methods some of these people use. But hey. Fuck them, it's my time. :D

Got a big weekend planned this week, hope to get some things done and actually get out for a while. Birthday party on Saturday and a healthy dose of Medieval/fantasy role play in the Field. That's right, there is a res event going on called LAIR we people dress up as fantasy characters and beat each other with foam tubes. FUN! Being the classy man I am, I can't see my self partaking in the wars, but maybe a nice bardic position will open up, or a medicine man...

I've found out today that I'll be home on the 15th barring any fuck ups of the West Jetter. I am excited to get home but I'll be bummed out to leave Winnipeg for a while, weird eh? But I need to go home. There's a wonderful blond fuzzy waiting for me to hug him and run about the woods with.

I've also started to make chain mail as of last week. Nothing professional mind, but it could have some nice effects of personal affects(like that? yeah, all me). Some day I'll have a full suit and can take my LAIR RP to the next level.... lol. One time thing I SWEAR!

Hope all you are good and if not.... well then get good!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Weekend is going swell! I've gotten so much done on both the work and play front. Went for a 2 K runs along the river. Makes a person feel so good knowing that you did it.

I've reached 5.1 days of music in my iTunes library. The really cool part is that i actually listen to all of it. There's still so much more music to get. I can't wait! Must explore the world of sound.

I went to the mall on Tuesday night and hit up chapters for a while. Ended up getting 5 books for 40 dollars, it was an awesome deal. So far they're turning out to be really really good.

I had a Classics test i aced this week but a history essay that I made a dumb mistake on. Also had a Religion paper that I feel I did good on. This week I have a test in my Language in culture course, going to have to study all week for that, but no worries.

I'm still loving it here and can't see my self not loving it later on. Don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. Damn the young stupid choices we make. Not that i regret them, just hate them.

Happy Thanks Giving dance to the moon.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


One week and a tone of crazy shit.

Went to a party last night, good time. Drank to much... Good reminder about the whole of things.

I've got a lot of work done but not enough. Tomorrow is going to be a "lock the room" day. Must study my way to greatness. Greek Culture test a history essay and a Religion paper. I'm excited to do them but worried in a good way.

I have Good Will Hunting on right now, and it might change everything! AH!

I'm really scraping the mind to get this post at a decent length. So! Lets do some reflection.

I had to do a vision quest for my religion class. I had to actually think about my self, doing so get me pretty happy. My life's good, it needs some fine tuning but I think I can handle that.

I have to get a guitar! Music is my life and not having one is stifling my creativity! I've too much things pent up.

I have a hard time conveying my happiness in writing, but I am very HAPPY! I figure it'll only get better as it goes on.

getting a bus pass tomorrow and I'm going to run the city transit system and see the wonderful world of Winnipeg.

John Butler's here in November. So fucking pumped about it, hope I can meet him get an autograph.

Done. Sorry for the weakness of the post.