Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Iron forged Hinges

                I spent the majority of today in the blacksmith shop of  the Master blacksmith i apprentice under.
    It was a while since i was down there last , So it was good to finally  be there after so long being away.
    The task at hand today was to forge hinges for the doors of my shop i is  currently in the process of being built now.
This hinge here is similar to the style at which i will be forging , I began work early today and spent the day making the hinges its a very enriching feeling i get when crafting this.Even though for a basic function of opening and closing a door,I will see them everyday when i enter my shop and know i made them. They are quite close to being finished.

      I must say i am very pleased with how they have turned out thus far ,I well appreciate them when their finished  knowing the time and effort i put into them. With the way my arms feel after today..... TIRED!!
I have no doubt i will soon be looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his younger years anyways.. haha
I will post some pictures of the finished hinges soon.



Saturday, August 10, 2013

First impressions Neverwinter Nights MMO

    The stout and mighty Fargrim Stoneheart  a swash buckling dwarf pirate hailing from Bauldersgate made his rather unexpected landing on the Shores
of Neverwinter along side his half elf companion Dascoe..It was soon to be discovered by the duo Neverwinter  lay in  mid battle with the gruesome      undead army ..

      I was not sure what to expect when i started playing the game ,But began having positive insight about it.

1)   Character creation i found it to be very similar to the layout of The online D&D which makes since, It appeared there where far more choices in the ways to customize your adventurer. I always did enjoy the character creation bit in games and this was no exception , well done.

2) Graphics for the over all game seemed to be fair i was pleased with how the game looked, good textures an layout so far. Though the issue was brought up about the coloring seeming to  "Glossy" its color  overly did not bother me as much at all. Though i think it could stand to have less of a shine/gloss to it.

3)Voice acting I thought the voice acting in the game to be ok, it wasn't over all great but ok. I was happy to see the Characters you meet in game for quests reading more of the text shown before you on screen ,saving the player time from reading it them self ,perhaps i'm just lazy but i thought it was a nice touch!

4) Combat I thought the combat in the game to be Exceptional! , with new ability's and attacks the adventurer receives upon leveling up it really adds to the over all combat feeling.Defeating your enemy's with your choice of attacks instead of standard hack and slash which are still fun.

     So after looking at these aspects of the game i know for sure i will keep on playing it . I really enjoyed the game, and would love to see what else it has to offer in the long run  defiantly recommend this to any fans of D&D online or Neverwinter its the best of both worlds

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Around Skyrim in 400 Hours: Rolo's Morning after!

   After a night in the fisherman's shack Rolo awoke well rested, but couldn't help but notice a slight draft... Did the fisherman leave the door open? Was winter coming?! NO! Rolo had lost his pants yet again... As he stepped out side after his morning wood had subsided, he look on as the fisherman sat on the door watching his nets.
The fisherman denied stealing Rolo's pants and was rather put off by the whole accusation. However, he was nice enough to suggest that the bandits down the steam might have been feeling a bit "rapey" in the night and nicked his slacks. Rolo decided that the fisherman was telling the truth and left both the man and his assets unburden. With a skip and a hop Rolo was off to parley with the "rapey" bandits; to bad the waster was cold...

Sure enough the camp was just up the small steam. Rolo moved up on the camp like a cat moves in on a mouse. He gained a nice high vantage point and surveyed the surroundings. He deduced that there would be no reasoning with these bandits and besides, he was in the mood to burn some shit anyway. Rolo leaped from the rock he was perched on and let out a battle cry that resembled a dying rabbit.
This confued the first two bandits so much that Rolo was able to stab then both in the gallbladder unscathed. The third bandit had a bow and a height advantage that gave Rolo pause, but Rolo was just too quick. The bandit let fly an arrow as Rolo charged him, it missed it's mark and Rolo slammed into the bandit knocking them both from the watch tower to the road below. Before the bandit could get up Rolo had jammed his hand over the bandit's face and let fly the flames.

After he collected himself and his breath Rolo looked around the area and determined it was safe to loot the loot. After a few quick passes Rolo found a suitable garb to wear and made some sexy poses as he looked at his reflection in the near by stream.
The last place to check was the outhouse; everyone knows that is where the best treasure is hidden! As Rolo got closer the smell got worse, and just as he reached to open the door he heard something... The door of the out house burst open and out ran the biggest bandit that Rolo had ever seen! It had to have been the leader; Rolo had interrupted his morning poop and he was not happy. Fortunatly for Rolo the bandit tripped on his own fecal matter and rolled his ankle. As he sat there holding his ankle, covered in his own shit, the bandit begged for his life. Rolo simply said, "No death poop for you!" and stabbed him in the eye...

What a way to start a morning... Rolo gathered the last of what he wanted to carry and decided to head out and continue to Solitude. He figured the best way was to follow the river, and after what he had just been through he also decided to swim...

As he floated down the river, breaking in his new slacks, he took the time to try and remember his past. Alas it was no use, it was just a blank canvas of a mind. Rolo wasn't overly upset, there was no sense of loss in his heart. He had gotten a taste of being a nobody, and he was certainly addicted, however, it did weigh heavy in his mind that he was fresh out of jail. His named needed to be cleared in order to start his new life, and thus the trip to Solitude had to happen.

Eventually Rolo hit land and came across an abandoned camp. According to the journal he found it was an adventurere camp. The occupants had set off into the hills to slay some mysterious beast. Rolo imagined that they were most likely dead, so helped him self to the food and boat he found. The boat was sturdy and he would be able to sail down the river to the water fall bridge and be that much closer to Solitude.


"Row row row your boat...."

Eventually Rolo reached the bridge and let the boat slip over the water fall... Solitude was in the distance and Rolo was content with his decision to press on.
The day was getting on by this time, but that was for the best, Rolo would have to sneak his way into the city some how. The guards might know who he was, once inside he wasn't sure what would happen or what he should do, but he did have a hood...

As he neared the out lying farm near the city gate Rolo came across his first patrol. It was only one guard and he slipped by unnoticed.

Rolo made it to the gate of Solitude and was so close to his goal he cold taste it! I guess that's what happens when you lick a gate... But, once again, he was foiled. It was dark and the gate was locked... Rolo gave it one last lick and headed back down the road. 

As he rounded the outer wall he discovered a caravan of Khajiit setting up camp. After a friendly chat and some ear rubs Rolo was allowed to stay the night and head into the city in the morning with them as one of their guards. 
And so, as the last of the sun's light slipped under the horizon Rolo fell asleep, curled up in a skin tent among the kitty cats. The last thought that entered his mind was "Thank Talos I tied my pants on...... zzzz"


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Some of my Top Games.

       I thought I would do something a little special this evening and show you a short                          
list of my top games. Now thinking back at all the games I have played, this list will be categorized on how much I enjoyed the games and the personal memories they gave me.  I will be only doing a few games, but there are so MANY I could go on about.

                                         Alright lets start:

   Yes that's right I am a Duke Nukem Junkie! I enjoyed the Duke Nukem franchise so much in my younger years! Duke was my first exposure to video game bad asses; catchy one liners, smoking cigars, shooting up aliens and lots and lots of hot babes! How is a boy to resist.

    Ahh... 007 Golden Eye one of my most played game for the N64. So many hours were spent playing this game with my brother. The game really speaks for itself  EVERYONE has played this! Also growing up in a home where James bond movies where watched religiously (haha) it was THE game to have.

    To be honest when i first played Age of Empires I hated it. The reason being: my brother would nag me constantly to play it with him always ending with me losing of course, but the game grew on me after a while. Once I understood it better I really got into it and still play it to this day. as well as the newer ones.


      I only started playing Half Life within the last few years when a friend showed it to me. I was hooked as soon as I learned you beat things with a Crowbar! So much fun was had bashing in zombies' heads and strange aliens. I really liked the story for half life; I found I really became submerged into the game while playing as Gordon Freeman. It's not become on of my most played games but still a favourite I am really hoping for a 3rd installment of it.

    Oh yes Zelda Ocarina Of Time....this game among 3 or 4 others WAS my childhood this was the game I would play when I wasn't playing Turok dinosaur hunterBattle Tanks: Global Assault or Golden Eye.  So many hours where spent on this game, accomplishing absolutely nothing! The game was owned by my next door neighbor  and was already close to the ending. The story really did it for me in this game, as well as the intense dual with Ganondorf at the end.

                    Well I apologize for the brief list of games but this is really all i have
                   energy for tonight was a long day, but did you guess the Nintendo 64
                    is my favorite system?   Hahaha!  -Raldorix        


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Half life 2: Arrival

     I was nearing the end of my train ride  to City 17  for my new job placement.  After the"Incident" at my previous employers, the Unemployment Office was finding it hard to get me a job anywhere. I was  told  my best bet was to move to the area of City 17. There was a high demand for skilled Scientists.
      Upon arriving at the train station I was a bit uneasy... I was greeted with  batons by a number of strange masked police officers. As I exited the train  my fellow passengers and I were directed towards a gate  down a corridor. I went as directed towards the gate, simply dispelling this incident as nothing more than security measures

    As I continued on my way I found that the officers were not even remotely friendly. they would raise their batons if you looked at them in the wrong way. Honestly,  I say by this  point I was rather nervous for my well being . I was just about to reach the exit, but got stopped by an officer who had emerged from a door close by.
                                                                                                                                                                    He urgently told me to follow him  as he gestured  with his hand  down the hallway. With fear I may be beaten or something much worse I complied.  As I followed the officer thoughts of what I might have done wrong flooded my mind.

    We turned off into a room and he locked the door then turned to me. I was fearing the end; surely this was it... He reached to his helmet and took it off:
the familiar face of Barney... the drunk janitor from my old job! Before I had the chance to  ask what he could possibly be doing here and wearing a officer uniform! He belted out that I had to get out the city. Staring at him with disbelief  he continued on for several moments before a knock of the door interrupted him and he quickly rushed me out a back door without explanation. This was beginning to be to weird for me; I hastily made it out the exist.

 I entered the city streets an figured my best bet would be to find  my new apartment  maybe then I could try and figure out what Barney was trying to say?   Now just to find it the apartment building....