Sunday, January 9, 2011

6 step post

This post comes to you in 6 lovely steps.

Step one: Happy new year. my shit is together now so I can get back on the ball. Classes are awesome, the books are good and apparently magic cards are cheap as fuck in Winnipeg.

Step two: The major reforms I promised have been thrown out the window. I've never been one to rush things so I don't see why I have to rush this. Especially while I'm in school and have other things to work on. The blog will get new things and such, just gradually instead of all at once.

Step three. Music! I'm up to 8.5 days of music now. It's all good. Check out: Junip, Stornoway, Quitter( all songs free here), and Rodrigo y Gabriela.

Step four: I love tea

Step 5: I've rekindled my love for The Lord of the Rings lately and I've decided to tackle the Silmarillion. Hopefully I have time, I want to read more but I'll have to read 5 hours a day to get it all done. School comes first though.

Step 6: They can make Pandacows now, they sell them as pets for $30,000 that is sweet. Someday I will have a dragon, like a lizard/bird cross, awesome!


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