Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Day of Reading

To Do List:
1) Read chapter 4 and 6 in Roman
2) Read chapter 3 in Byzantine
3) Read Chapter 17 and 18 in Greek and Roman Mythology
4) Pick up Book from Library
5) Start Byzantine paper

It will be done. Or a punishment will be acquired.

Friday, February 25, 2011

To do:

My List:
Document order Byzantine Books
Study for Greek Test
Work on Religion Paper
Shower..... so dirty....
Make some music
Read some for Roman Class

Not too bad, if i don't get this done then it is up to Jacob to come up with a punishment (probably won't get it done... lol)

I'll be back on to cross this stuff out on the hour every hour.

Atlantic Hope; good band. Goo Goo Dolls makes for a good show, weird looking band though...


"Kiss with a fist is better then none"

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Life of solitude in my eyes?

Well to get to the main point right away i have a dream /desire/urge.To live freely once i get out of school.I mean as soon as its all over im GONE!.I'm packing a backbag of somethings and my journey begins. Not sure where or how i will get there but disapearing for 10 years or so sounds just about right to me,jumping from place to place and just taking everything in that i experiance,to most this sounds crazy but its somthing i've always wanted to do and i promised to myself i will! After a chat with my funky/hippy minded brother He told me that he would also like to join me on my quest to no where. So i have high hopes for this and will be looking forward to it.

Drizix out!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


You only live once people.Get out there and raise a little hell.You got one shot at doing what you want so you miswell go and enjoy it atleast once ,lifes to short for taking everything easy,so just go out in the world and BE FREE!! do what you want! FIGHT SOME GOATS OR RUN NAKED IN A CITY what ever floats your boat ,Just as long as it doesnt hurt anybody.RUN FREE MY PAGAN CHILDREN!

Drizix out!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dead Beatles

I typed in "um" into google images and this lovely gem was found.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

These strange days.

Not sure how to look at anything anymore.life seems to change and it doesnt like to take me with it.Caught at a crossroads i guess you could say.more and more things become confusing to me people dont understand "like they think they always do".But i'm not entirely sure if they are meant to anyways.All i know is i think i have shit i need to figure out , But so far i think i'm quite happy all by my self .and not having to listen to people and there pointless bullshit that they spu all over the place expecting someone to give in to there every demand.I say the hell with people.All it is in the end is you and yourself.

think about that...

drizix out.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Back! and ready to crack!

Sorry i havin't posted in a long time. have been pre-occupied with some stuff. But i find myself very very bored these last few days because i have literaily done absolutely nothing!.I have sat around my house ,watched tv,listened to music and did nothing else!.I belive i am finally reaching my mental breaking point and feel i may spawntaniously combust at any second!!!.
But this week has not been totally uneventful
. The other night while i was in my room sitting at my desk,I found the air to the left side of me to become very..."unatural".Soon after i was greeted with a cold touch on my arm which would be slightly frightening to most i might add. This cold touch lasted close to 30 minutes. then my room temperture returned back to normal ..
I'm still not totally sure what to make of that incounter..my guess thought would be some old family relatives stopping by to check up on me. comforting in a why yet still a little ery.... Thanks everyone


Monday, January 17, 2011

Techcinal Problems Solved

OK! Had some issues with screen shots for the battle report but I have them all fixed now. I threw up a teaser on the new page for now but I hope to work on this tomorrow and finalize the first report.
I am in school folks so I need to concentrate on that first. But I'll do the best I can to get this up. Hope it will be fun for all.
Other things in life are boring, at the moment, so here's a picture of some pie!
Brodie out!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

With every note..

Sitting here listening to some rather different music then i would any other day. Native american flute music to be exact. I find music to be a very interesting thing of beauty and with every time that one listens to a certain type they have there own personal feeling or thoughts.For me this particular type as it were. releases a deep sence of calmness aswell as feeling relieved as if everything in life and in mind has been lifted off my shoulders effortessly just forgotten about never to be seen again and that my friends is the power of music i say if music can do that what else can it do??.. Try it your self listen to some type of music new to you relaxing or hardcore and just think about how it makes feel/think.. goodnight all happy listening

Drizix out..

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I'm starting a battle report of my conquest of the world through a PC game called Rome Total War, with the mod called Total Realism. The game takes place in ancient times, 240 BC or there abouts and is a turn based campaign map game with real time battles. It has a phenomenal battle engine and will make for good posts.

I'm playing as Carthage in the game and plan to take over the entire game map, a thus the world.

First things first I need a for hold. As Carthage you start with a sizable bit of territories but I have to get them in fighting order. I'll update on this one a week and eventually get some interactive choices going, like who to attack or which direction to move in or which wonders/cities to take over, maybe in some form of quest form or such.

Screen shots will be posted along with the writings.

This give me something cool to write about and keeps me interested in my history. And don't worry, you will all like it too, I promise. :)

Edit: I'll make this battle report a separate page as not to crowd the main posts and make access easier.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

First crack at the ball..

First post to Wedge Radio glad to become a part of the team.You will most likely note a big difference between my posts and the posts that my brother makes such as spelling and other common grammer. Not much more to say But stay tuned for more posts from the slightly changed Wedge Radio!

Drizix out.

6 step post

This post comes to you in 6 lovely steps.

Step one: Happy new year. my shit is together now so I can get back on the ball. Classes are awesome, the books are good and apparently magic cards are cheap as fuck in Winnipeg.

Step two: The major reforms I promised have been thrown out the window. I've never been one to rush things so I don't see why I have to rush this. Especially while I'm in school and have other things to work on. The blog will get new things and such, just gradually instead of all at once.

Step three. Music! I'm up to 8.5 days of music now. It's all good. Check out: Junip, Stornoway, Quitter( all songs free here), and Rodrigo y Gabriela.

Step four: I love tea

Step 5: I've rekindled my love for The Lord of the Rings lately and I've decided to tackle the Silmarillion. Hopefully I have time, I want to read more but I'll have to read 5 hours a day to get it all done. School comes first though.

Step 6: They can make Pandacows now, they sell them as pets for $30,000 that is sweet. Someday I will have a dragon, like a lizard/bird cross, awesome!
