Thursday, September 16, 2010

And ten years later....

I assume this is true for most people at a young age. When your young, you imagined what life would be like when your older. I know I used to do this. I even had some plans for when I was 20. I don't really know what all of them were but there was some general ones.

1) Not to look like a punk
This was more so for my teen years but I'm not quite out of them yet so I'll put it in. I remember watching TV shows and seeing "teenagers" with that punk look/style and being scared that I would look like that when I was a teenager. Well it didn't happen so yeah!

2) Play the drums.
I ended up playing the guitar which was wonderful in it's own right. But I do have the bongos and dejembe drum, so I'd say check!

3)Have a pet wolf.
Jack became my pet wolf. It wasn't that I wanted a wolf just a strong bond with some kinda animal that was my animal. Jack is my animal and I'd die for that dog. Enough said.

4)Forest home.
Working on it.

Now travel at the age of ten was to Halifax and back. I'm way ahead on this one. A whole 200% ahead.

6) Some random stuff.
I know that's broad but I can't remember anything else. There are some givens like school and money and wife/GF (ha!). But I guess I was a practical kid, or just really stupid and sheltered.

Now that I have some time in the mornings I'll get back on this thing and dish out my secrets to the Internet. maybe even a sex tape or 5.

Classical Studies


  1. You wanted a book from what I remember too. And to eat your weight in bacon
