Sunday, August 8, 2010

I sank the boat....

So I had this dream that I was at the marina and I had to untie a boat. Turns out I was untying the wrong boat and this old lady started to shout at me. I retied the boat and then went to show her the boat I sail on, Eric's boat.

I was thinking to my self in the dream "You know, she's not so bad, maybe she was just cranky at something else." Then that bitch went and put a whole in Eric's boat and ran away.... I got blamed for the boat sinking and cryed.

I could have cryed when i woke up too. I'm going to find that woman in dream land again and do horrible things to her. Horrible things!

I have many things to do to day, start to paint. This blog, some guitar, and go to work.... :/
The blog is done as you read this so that's cool, and the painting might just be to edge a wall or finish taping the edges.

Need to look up some video editing software tonight :).

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