Thursday, August 26, 2010

Long time is long...

8 more days and I'm off to Winnipeg. Very pumped, had a dream about the flight last night. I can't remember what happened but it was a good dream.

This weekend my parents are having a party at the cottage. I'll get to see a bunch of people and say "Bye suckers!" :D

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I needed to write....

Enter John(picture). John spent most of his early life jumping from foster home to foster home. At the age of 14 he smoked his 1st joint. At 16 he discovered the wonders of whisky and the process we like to call "drunk philosophy". John lives in The US of A. Fuck you John, you mother fucking sap job. :D

Good night to you all. I went sailing to night in preparation for a great feat I'm about to undertake. On Thursday I'll be sailing in a tiny boat the length of the harbour. I could die. I hope I can eat and sail at the same time. No booze.

That is all. See you tomorrow night.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I sank the boat....

So I had this dream that I was at the marina and I had to untie a boat. Turns out I was untying the wrong boat and this old lady started to shout at me. I retied the boat and then went to show her the boat I sail on, Eric's boat.

I was thinking to my self in the dream "You know, she's not so bad, maybe she was just cranky at something else." Then that bitch went and put a whole in Eric's boat and ran away.... I got blamed for the boat sinking and cryed.

I could have cryed when i woke up too. I'm going to find that woman in dream land again and do horrible things to her. Horrible things!

I have many things to do to day, start to paint. This blog, some guitar, and go to work.... :/
The blog is done as you read this so that's cool, and the painting might just be to edge a wall or finish taping the edges.

Need to look up some video editing software tonight :).

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Today's blog comes to you in 4 steps:

STEP 1: I am officially a student again in the eyes of both the government as well as the Bank.

I went to the bank the other day with my Da to get everything ready for my journey to the west. with in 4-5 days I'll have a student credit card and some other goodies.

Banks scare me though; one has to keep a sound mind when dealing with those crafty bankers. I figure I'll just keep my money in a shoe box when I get older any how. It's not like I'm going to be rich....

STEP Deux: I'm swearing a pact with my self, soul and all who read this. I, Adam Roscoe, heir to the Roscoe Kingdom, will not get intoxicated for one (1) year. Why you may ask? It's a waste of money, money that I need and could spend on better things, like food. I don't like being drunk and it really seems that I had more fun as a child, so there!

STEP C: It raining here but I love it. It's chilly enough for me to wear pants so.... I am. There was some thunder for a little while, I tryed to play guitar with it. Didn't work out as well as I had hoped but it was none the less awesome!

STEP 9 - 5 = 4: I was looking at old pictures and such and realized something, some horrible thing.... There is a lot of people not in my life any more and I'm not going out and meeting any new ones. I don't mean like in a general state I mean close friends and such. In simple terms... I'm running out of people to love :( It just kinda hit me looking at pictures of my grandmothers.... And then the other night I was bored and wished I wasn't single and could cuddle or somin.... Hmm that's gay! :P

Good day!