Monday, May 31, 2010

"Well pick me up"

Just took the dog to the river after a nice veggie lunch. We walked up the river and played in the water. It's nice to see him so happy, which make me happy, which makes a lot of people happy... :D.

The lunch I made was fucking awesome! Fried up some bell peppers, an onion, mushrooms and some fresh garlic in olive, veggie and sesame seed oil! Then made this sauce out of Tomato sauce and Salsa (half and half) with rice vinegar, mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Put that over the fried veggies and let it heat up in the pan then dumped it all on noodles. Damn good, wish I made more....

Water's ready for swimming, so dive in!

Beach Night

Hi folks! Had a great night last night at the beach. Headed down to the family cottage with a couple of friends and a bad horror movie; a nice mix. We dropped out things of in the cottage and headed to the beach, where we ended up throwing rocks for an hour or more.
After this masterful rock throwing we headed back only to discover tens of thousands of little fish swimming all alone the shore line. It just so happened that we had a dip net and that one of us could actually catch the damn things. Naturally we dug a big hole and filled it with water to put the fish in; however this proved to be a bad idea because it caved in.... Eventually we just caught them and threw them back; best for both of us.
We made it back by dark (it wasn't a long way away, just a lot of fish to catch) and put the movie in. It was a horrible movie, but the worst was the husband and wife; they were going throw a rocky time in the marriage but still likes to shag a lot...? I don't even remember what it was called but it had a scare crow in it and some good nudity.
Since the movie was so bad we watched Water Boy afterwords and played Ker Plunk! :D. Best things in life are done with friends and that was a good night!

I'm going to try something soon so keep checking back.
Ta Ta

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Super Cougar

What is a super Cougar? Well. A super cougar is a woman over the age of 45 that goes after young men under the age of 25. If need be they can also eat the regular cougars to get at their prey.

I had this sweet day yesterday before work; just played and listened to music until 4 and headed into work. Work was the same old same old. Then a friend showed up and wanted to hang out down at the yacht club.
So we head down to the club, I buy a membership and a beer, as we just sit down at a table and have a really awesome chat about random life stuff. Later on thins man named Allan comes over and sit down with us and asks us about university and those generic questions and talks about his life some. Turns out this guy was a fighter jet pilot for the British air force; later on he was testing computer guided missiles in the Nevada Desert.
We got a good hour out of this talk before another man came over and sat down. His name was James, the owner of the Elixir, a catamaran and one of my favorite boats in the harbour. He added his opinion to the talk and we got a nice bit of advice from the both of them and a free beer from Allan.
About this time is when we run into the super cougar. She was a 50 year old woman, single mom, good job, didn't look 50 at all and was really, really drunk. She couldn't get over why two "beautiful" young men where in the yacht club... To be fair this was the only thing she really said to suggest a cougar "pounce" if you will. The wore on and she told us all about her kid, cool guy as it sounds, and what he does and we talked about university. Eventually it was just me, my friend, her and her brother there. She bought another glass of wine, spilled it, had a dance with me, and was one the way out.... then said!!! "You know. If you ever want to screw any of the girls in this town you call me." She gave me her home and cell phone number.... YES! High five on that one guys!! :D
After the whole incident me and my friend and the two guys at the bar (also friends) went for pizza. Where we met two other cougars.... who thought I was gay.. Which in a none gay way, was a relief.
It was one of the best days I've had in a while.

All smiles for all,

Friday, May 28, 2010


Hallo everyone and they're dogs! I woke up to a nice sunny day but it only lasted for a little bit. I don't know if I'll do the posts in the mornings or not, see as I haven't done anything to write about..... There's a blond dog drooling on my guitar right now; he wants some of my toast with natural peanut butter (yeah that's right, natural!).

I'm going to have a productive day I hope. I need to play some music, been getting really slack with that. Then have to find out a way for people to read this thing. Well, that's it for now, might have a story for you later after work.

See you on the flip side!

Thursday, May 27, 2010